QRXpert App

ISAT’s QRXpert App – Download it Today!

Be an expert in the installation and quality assurance processes of nonstructural seismic bracing with ISAT’s QR code technology and field tagging system. Installers and quality assurance personnel can now use QRXpert’s location-specific installation instructions to quickly and easily meet seismic bracing requirements in the field.

The app was created to be used in conjunction with ISAT’s engineered seismic bracing kits. Each seismic location has its own unique QR code within the submittal and is labeled on each kit. By opening QRXpert and scanning the QR code, users can instantly view exact installation instructions for any location, streamlining the seismic installation. This feature of the app is completely free of charge and can be used on any project ISAT’s orange kits are found.

ISAT’s QRXpert App Screen Shots (Click to Enlarge)

Customers that would like to take additional steps to ensure proper installation can unlock the inspection and quality control portion of the app that integrates ISAT’s QR field tagging system. An additional tag can be included in each kit and hung at the completion of installation, allowing all field personnel and inspectors to verify accurate installation. Team members using the QR tagging system also gain access to location specific seismic bracing quality control checklists that can be updated in real-time. These checklists are color coded and can be generated for distribution to all parties involved on the project, providing a simple way to track the QC process.

ISAT QRXpert Scan Code

ISAT’s QRXpert Key Features

Installation App for ISAT’s seismic bracing kits for distributed utility systems.

  • Streamline Project Workflow
  • Expedite Project Communication
  • Access Project Documents on Demand
  • Review Project Seismic Documents
  • Easy to Use Quality Control Checklist
  • Track and Update Projects in Seconds

Installation of nonstructural seismic bracing is common practice. Still, the complications of varying site-specific seismic requirements and the challenges of getting approved submittals into the hands of the installer create the opportunity for non-compliant installations and rework. By eliminating approval complexities, and surprises in the field, and incorporating automation, QRXpert rapidly resolves installation disputes, saving both time and money for all.

Download the QRXpert App for Free and Then Scan the “Try Me” Demo

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